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Circular economy

The take, make and waste problem

The last 250 years of industrialisation has brought humanity a great deal of prosperity but our ‘take, make and waste’ practices have also placed immense pressure on our environment and our resources. We have started to see the effects - a plastic ocean, labour exploitation in manufacturing and polluting industrial processes.


Growth not at the expense of nature

Today's modern economic system is underpinned by consumption. The circular economy presents a way forward for economic activity to continue to expand without drawing on already critically stressed natural resources.

The circular economy is an economic system in which products are designed to remain in use and waste is designed out.

To learn more about the circular economy visit the Ellen MacArthur Foundation page.

We bring leading problem solving methods to scientists and entrepreneurs


We bring methods such as design-thinking and lateral knowledge distribution to scientists and entreprenuers at the forefront of circular economy. Our methods, often originating in distruptive commercial sectors, help scientifically-minded participants break out of familiar technical and critical problem solving into creative problem defining and lateral problem solving.

In our workshops partipants positively influential each others’ creative process and design. Methods encourage switching of gears to generate innovative ideas that were not previously considered. Workshops help move participants from implicit to explicit problem scoping.


Ideas quickly tested and prototyped

Difficult, grand problems are not best defined by deep cogitation and innovative solutions don’t often emerge from extensive contemplation. Sometimes the answers don’t present themselves in any single step of detailed focus but emerge after many incremental steps over and over again in quick succession.

Our workshops have been successful at transferring methods successful in business to research and scientific development. Our participants have discovered new strategics and approaches through our workshops.

Academy of Science workshop

Partnered with Future Earth and Academy of Science

Visible Seas ran workshops on behalf of Future Earth Australia and the Australian Academy of Science in Canberra in late 2019.

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We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of Australia, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture.
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